16.4 C
Friday, July 26, 2024


Why is there such a long wait to get a driving test in the...

In the United Kingdom, many aspiring drivers often find themselves frustrated by the seemingly endless wait times to book and take their driving tests. This article aims to shed light on the reasons behind these delays and provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to the lengthy waiting periods.High...

Tips Any New Driver Should Know About Getting Around The UK

Being a new driver can be exciting, but it’s also super challenging – especially when navigating the roads of the UK! With its unique driving culture and road systems, new drivers must familiarise themselves with driving tips and other essential information for a smooth, safe, and enjoyable driving experience. In this article, we will provide you with...

Debunking UK Driving Myths for Learner Drivers

As drivers, we often hear various myths about the dos and don'ts of driving in the UK. Unfortunately, many of these myths are incorrect and it’s hard for new drivers to distinguish between the legitimate driving guidelines and the misconceptions. In this article, learner drivers will be more confident on the road, knowing we...

Tips for driving safely in bad weather

As a driver it's important to be prepared for all kinds of weather conditions, from heavy rain to snow and ice. Driving in bad weather can be challenging and dangerous, but by following a few simple tips, you can help keep yourself and others safe on the road.Here are some tips for driving...

What to know when learning to drive a car

Learning how to drive is an exciting milestone in your life but the process can be difficult sometimes. It’s a rite of passage but it’s easy for the pressure to get with you when you haven’t prepared properly. From tricky manoeuvres to making sure you’ve got the right insurance in place, there is a lot to get...

What happens if you’re charged with a motoring offence?

In this article, we’ll be exploring what you can expect to happen if you get caught breaking the law while driving…Driving is an essential part of everyday life for many people in the UK, but it comes with a significant responsibility to ensure safety on the roads. Unfortunately, not everyone takes this responsibility...

What happens if you are disqualified from driving?

Driving is an essential part of our daily lives. It allows us to travel from one place to another with ease and convenience. However, driving is not a right; it is a privilege that can be taken away. In the UK, if you break the rules of the road, you can be disqualified from...

Embarrassing & outrageously funny driving test fails

It’s safe to say nearly 100% of UK teenagers want to pass their test as fast as possible.. However, statistics show that around 52% of the UK’s driving test takers fail their test on their first try! (MORE THAN HALF!) There are many reasons teenagers fail their driving tests. It could be poor weather, nervousness, hesitation, not...

Driving licence expiring soon? Here’s how to check

If you’ve got a photocard driving licence, don’t forget to renew it every ten years. If you don’t, you could end up with a hefty fine. To ensure you don’t get caught out, comparison site for cheap car insurance, mustard.co.uk, tells us how to check your driving licence expiry date.How do I know...

What are the trickiest manoevoures for new drivers?

Learning to drive can be a long and complicated process. On average, it takes around 45 hours worth of guided lessons to get up to speed with the practical test and around 20 hours of independent practice on top of that.If this seems daunting, it’s important not to be discouraged. With the help...
Start a courier service

Six things to Consider when Setting up a Courier Business

With shopping on the streets at an all-time low and e-commerce on the rise, there is no doubt that the demand for courier services is increasing by the day. If living in the UK, this could be a lucrative opportunity for you to become self-employed. Whether you have experience in the courier sector or simply starting, this article guides...
Rent your Uber car

Why choose a rental car for driving with Uber?

You’ve read about it, you’ve heard it from your friends: being an Uber driver brings in the extra income and offers you flexibility. But can you do it without owning a car?The good news is that you don’t need to own a car to become an Uber driver. In fact, many rideshare drivers...
Should you buy a car warranty?

Should you buy a Car Warranty?

Buy anything these days and you are hard sold a warranty or extended warranty. You might be told that driving around without a warranty in place is a huge risk and one which motorist should avoid at all costs. It might seem that buying an extended warranty is unnecessary and simply adds to your motoring costs. However,...

Why you should store your car, not your junk, in the garage

It is always nice to have a home that comes with a garage to store your car. However, somehow, our garages always end up storing all of the things we don’t have room for in our houses, as opposed to the cars that they were designed to safely store. A garage offers the perfect conditions to keep...
Change a tyre yourself

3 DIY Car Maintenance Jobs

Do you always want to take your car to the mechanic when things don’t go to plan? While getting expert help and advice can be essential, especially for the big jobs, it can be costly if you take it to the garage for every fault.For the smaller problems, knowing what to look out...
Best UK Drivers by Car Manufacturer

Revealed: Britain’s Best and Worst Drivers

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your driving ability? Are you a great driver? Or do you lack confidence behind the wheel? According to the latest research by Peter Vardy, UK drivers rate themselves as 6.98 out of 10 when it comes to their driving ability, but only rate other local drivers...
Stopping Distances for a car

Be A Better Driver

If you’ve been driving for a fair few years, it’s unlikely that all the details of that theory test you had to sit are still fresh in your mind. Many of us slip into bad habits when we’re out on the road regularly and definitely don’t drive as if we have a driving instructor or examiner in...

Driving Safely In The Rain

In the interest of disclosure and transparency, the syndication of this article has been provided and paid for by FBD Insurance.Driving during downfalls can be dangerous, even for skilled drivers. When visibility is affected and the roads get wet and slippery, your vehicle can become difficult to control.FBD Insurance have provided...
Driving Test Preparation

Tips for prepping for your driving test day

Before you have managed to graduate on the day of your driving test, you already have between 40 and 50 hours of driving training and simulations. While getting through your test isn’t a sign that you are 100% perfect driver, it does indicate that you are competent enough to be allowed on roads without supervision. When you hit the...

Pass Plus: is it worth the cost?

As a new driver, you might be looking into ways that you can hone your skills even further and perhaps reduce the cost of your insurance on the way. If that’s the case, it’s likely that you’ve stumbled across the Pass Plus course, a Government road safety initiative that helps to increase the confidence of those that are new...

Preparing for a Track Driving Experience

Getting Ready For Your First Track Driving ExperienceFancy yourself the next Lewis Hamilton?If the answer is a resounding ‘yes’, then you’ve certainly got your work cut out for you. It’s time to brush up on your skills and master the art of driving like a pro. Of course, like any professional driver, you’ll need to practice somewhere, so why...
RAC motoring report 2017

RAC’s 2017 Report on Motoring

The RAC has released the results of their annual driver's survey. They highlight the fact that 38 million people in the UK are drivers and therefore they represent a large voting sector who's views should be important to the government. They took a sample of 1,700 representative drivers to assess their experiences, concerns and perceptions. Motoring Costs The results of the...

An analysis of Silverstone race circuit

The Silverstone circuit, which straddles the border of the English counties of Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire, is one of the most famous motor racing circuits in the world and is the current home of the Formula One British Grand Prix, as well as the British motorcycle Grand Prix.Owned by the British Racing Drivers' Club, Silverstone's history as a race track...

Are you a smart parker?

Car security systems might be improving but, unfortunately, vehicle crime rate continues to grow in the UK.Pesky criminals are increasingly undeterred by new technology. Instead, their methods have metamorphosed over time, leading to more innovative and unexpected ways of gaining entry to your vehicle.If you think you could be doing more to keep your car safe, or have been...
Expensive car parks

What drives British motorists mad?

A survey into the habits of drivers has uncovered what Brits really hate about driving in the UK. Research by a parking website revealed that using a mobile phone when driving, other road users not indicating and high parking charges annoy motorists the most.The number of cars on the road in the UK has risen by 16.5% since 2000,...
driving offence solicitor

Should I use a Motor Offence Solicitor?

Why You Should Use a Motor Offence SolicitorIf you’re facing prosecution for a motoring offence, you may not know where to turn – is it worth obtaining legal advice and possibly representation in Court?Motoring offence solicitors regularly help people to keep their driving licences and most will offer you a free consultation so it’s rarely a bad idea to...

Driveway Parking and How to Use It

London is not the only major city in the world to suffer from parking issues, but here, just like other major cities, solutions seem to be in short supply and therefore, the hassle of parking and driving in London is a fact.People are encouraged to use trains and the tube, along with the buses. Some commuters have taken to...

Make your car earn its keep

A car can sometimes feel like it’s draining your pocket. It needn’t. Not only are there smart ways of saving money on your motor but also smart ways of cashing in. In fact, it’s much easier than we at Carblog thought. Carspring reached out to us with their tricks and tips on how to bring in some extra bucks.Become a taxi...

How To Drive Safely on Motorways

For many people, motorway driving can be a source of stress; while statistics suggest that we actually have far fewer accidents while travelling on the motorway network, incidents can of course be much more serious due to the high speeds involved. However, by following a number of fundamental tips and techniques in this post, you can help to minimise...

What to do if you have a crash

Every day, more and more people are passing their driving test and getting the keys to their very first car. This means that more cars will be on the road, making the roads at higher risk for accidents. Whether you’re involved in a crash or you witness one, there are many important things that you need to do to...

Would you pass your driving test today?

For those of us who have been driving for years, we think we know the rules of the road and the best ways to avoid those drivers who don't. We may be able to get ourselves from A to B safely most of the time, but are we really abiding to traffic laws? The Driving SurveyBrake, the road safety charity,...

London Cabbies – The knowledge of London

Learn the facts about London Black Taxi DriversLondon black taxi drivers are an iconic part of London’s roads. They are world renowned for their integrity and the level of service they provide to both locals and visitors to the most popular global tourist destination. Check out this infographic to read about it..

Driving home for Christmas

If the journey home for the holidays is a bit of a hike, you’re probably thinking about catching a train or, if home is at the other end of the country, even a plane. Quite likely, if the trip is a long one, the most favourable strategy will be to ‘get someone else to do the driving’ (or flying!).However,...

The Most Notorious Car Pile Ups in History

The first fuel powered car was designed by Benz Patent-Motorwagen way back in 1886 with Ohio City claiming the first gasoline powered car accident in 1891. Engineer James Lambert was said to be driving his very own gasoline powered buggy with James Swoveland as his passenger, when the vehicle hit a tree root Lambert lost control of the car,...

Main Causes of Auto Breakdown in Winter

The Top 9 Causes of Auto Breakdown in the Winter While ice, snow, and conditions both soggy and cold are the worst possible circumstances for a breakdown, winter means a higher incidence of car trouble. More drivers find themselves stuck by the side of the road with an ailing auto between the months of October and February than at any...

Would you pass your driving test again?

Would you pass your driving test if you took it again today?The insurance company Direct Line has conducted a survey to find out whether drivers would pass their driving test if they were to take it again today. They conducted mock driving tests on 50 drivers around the country to see how they would fare if they were sitting...

The truth about road rage

The truth about road rage: what really gets drivers and their passengers hot under the collar?Getting lost en route to a destination is the biggest cause of unrest on the roads, that’s according to a new report produced by the AA.An AA-Populus survey has revealed the most common reasons for arguing between driver and passenger. The study asked 23,085...

Preparing for your Practical Driving Test

Getting your driving licence is one of the most important qualifications you can get in life and so it is not surprising that many people get nervous before taking their practical driving test. Being nervous is natural but to help you get the better of those nerves and be more successful on test day it is important that you...

A Century of Aston Martin

Did you know that the very first Aston Martin was built 100 years ago, in 1914, at the Bamford and Martin workshops off Fulham Road, Chelsea?Exactly half a century later and another Aston Martin - which would become the company’s most famous model - had a starring role in the third James Bond film, Goldfinger (1964). In the book...

Things You Didn’t Know about Breakdown Cover

When it comes to comparing car breakdown cover, the clue's in the name. You already know that whatever policy you choose, it will serve a basic purpose: to provide assistance should your car break down.It's reassuring to know that you'll never be left high and dry on the motorway or stuck in the back of beyond. So far, so...